For each camper registering for week 1:
1. Select specialty
2. Select quantity 1
3. Add to cart (will require you to complete form)
Repeat for each camper you are registering. Do not select Quantity >1.
Registration for Lights, Camera, Act drama program. Beginning this year, LCA is only offered as a two week program with one play at the end of the second week (Friday, August 15)
The production for 2025 will be The Wizard of Oz
For each camper registering for LCA:
1. Select quantity 1
2. Add to cart (will require you to complete form)
Repeat for each camper you are registering. Do not select Quantity >1.
For each camper registering for week 2:
1. Select specialty
2. Select quantity 1
3. Add to cart (will require you to complete form)
Repeat for each camper you are registering. Do not select Quantity >1.
For campers entering kindergarten in Fall, 2025.
To register for both weeks, you will need to add Week 1 and Week 2 separately.
For each camper registering for the Kindergarten Program:
1. Select Week 1 or Week 2.
2. Select quantity 1
3. Add to cart (will require you to complete form)
Repeat for each camper you are registering, or for additional week for same camper. Do not select Quantity >1.
Add this to your cart to be added to the waitlist for a specific week/specialty